A kingdom mindset
Our belief is that following Jesus (Yeshua in Hebrew) means that every good pursuit will result in the establishment of His Kingdom, the city of Zion. That our aim is to build expressions of his city on Earth as it is in Heaven. A city where the poor, the meek, the humble, and the lowly are honored and receive safety and nourishment from the caring King, Yeshua (Jesus).
At Sophia, we seek to build an expression of Zion through providing hope and opportunity for the poor, oppressed, and marginalized of the city of Birmingham. We join together with other city builders to see these beautiful glimpses of Heaven (Zion). We join together to be spurred on to love and good works. And we join together to build up endurance in one another, to hope and believe for the coming of Yeshua (Jesus) to complete the establishment of His good and perfect city.
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